Writing as a problem solving tool
The missing peice of the puzzle for effective problem solving

Table of Contents


Ideas are worthless unless we act on them

–Earl Nightingale

This quote kept ringing in my ears since I first heard it. It’s because the grandest of ideas are dreams, but that is all they are unless expanded upon, analyzed, planed and eventually put into motion.

At this very point in my life I realize I have procrastinated on building a resume and a portfolio for far too long. I have taken an oath to never put myself in a similar situation again in my life but…That oath is meaningless unless acted upon.

Enter blogging, I’ve noticed that one recurring solution to problems, technical and otherwise, is writing. I have never been faced with a problem that was not solvable with writing, and yet I forget about it when there are no problems to tackle. This seemed to work quite well for a while until today. Graduating is less than a year away, time is ticking and I have jack shit to prove to an employer my competence. I believe if writing was a consistent theme in my life, this problem won’t exist.

Better now than never.

Accountability and Planning

I’m not sure having this public is the correct decision but it seems like the correct one. As such, it is incumbent upon me to commit to the blog regularly. The plan is to keep the blog strictly about problems I’m working on.

Topically it is the problem of landing a job that will pay me more than minimum wage so I can finally break out of the dead end rat race. In the future, I would like to use this for problems and solutions in software.

Date: May 9 2023

Author: Youssof A. Taha

Email: youssof@ysftaha.com